The Secret Sauce to LIFE!

The Secret Sauce to LIFE!

What is meditation, mindfulness and visualisation? 


What is visualisation?

Visualisation is tapping into the the child like imagination. When we embody our dreams coming true and wants becoming a reality we start to act, feel, speak and act as if it is already happening. When we become that person worthy of those events happening they are more likely to become our reality. That and a sprinkle of persistent action we on the way to truely manifesting it in the real life.

What is meditation? 

Meditation is a practice that involves focusing or clearing your mind using a combination of mental and physical techniques. Depending on the type of meditation you choose, you can meditate to relax, reduce anxiety and stress, and more.

What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is awareness of one's internal states and surroundings. Mindfulness can help people avoid destructive or automatic habits and responses by learning to observe their thoughts, emotions, and other present-moment experiences without judging or reacting to them.


Somehow all of these practices are intertwined and relate to each other in one way or another! And with these practices they can help you make the most out of our wellness products. With a calm, strong and resilient mind we are able to get into the ice bath. It's with a mindful and relaxed mind we allow ourselves to feel calm in a hot bath. It’s with a grateful and worthy headspace we allow the time to use our ice roller/massage and jump in our portable sauna. 

For all the quick thinkers and on the go minds these practices are somewhat pretty hard and uncomfortable. Society and the work force has pushed the “go, go, go multitask a million different things on the go!” trend. We get it work is busy, there is a job to do and yes it serves its purpose. But in those down times that doesn’t have to continue. Yes this is when it’s important to calm those racing thoughts and just be still, at rest, peace and to find that clarity. There are moments in life where we feel stuck, in a rut and not “in a flow”. 

We have been there, and we also know people don’t really talk about it. Those harder times in life are usually kept close and not visible to the exterior. I am here to tell you, WE ALL GO THROUGH STRUGGLES! Some are just better at hiding it than others. So how what and why are we speaking on these practices?……

Well.Products in all about looking after yourself so you can show up in the world as your better self. One of the main reasons why we started is we saw a need for people to start looking after themselves. Poor mental health wellbeing is on the rise which has increased 60% over the past five years. We are here to tell you we see you, we encourage you to hit the brakes and get the self care you deserve. 


Since our products go hand and hand with meditation, mindfulness and visualisation we have exclusively partnered with Coach EJ Dechemet to bring to you our “ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING Bundle” This exclusive and limited edition combines all our products together with unlimited access to Mindset Coach EJ breath work series. 


Series includes:

  • 1x Morning flow meditation/visualisation practice, to set you up for the blowiest, most easeful and abundant day ahead. 
  • 1x Evening wind down meditation to close out the day in the most zen flow the possible. 
  • 2x BONUS breath-works to accompany our Well.Products products or to add into your own personal self care routine. 


We are taking you on the ultimate wellness retreat right at home and we hope you feel so good for it afterwards. 


Limited Edition “ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING VALUE Bundle' is available NOW!